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[英文]Boyzone (男孩特區合唱團) 【無論如何… 回到身邊 精選+新歌】 關閉[複製鏈接]

DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:39 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 DK18 於 2010-7-5 10:03 AM 編輯

【專輯名稱】 Back Again...No Matter What - The Greatest Hits(無論如何… 回到身邊 精選+新歌)

【歌手名稱】男孩特區 Boyzone



【專輯介紹】 「2000年1月13日,當我們從都柏林的舞台上走下來,我們沒有人相信在八年之後,我們還能夠再相聚。真的很抱歉讓大家久等了,但是,希望大家和我們一樣,覺得這段等待是值得的。就像我們之前在巡迴演出的舞台上所說,我們何其幸運能有第二次機會,現在每一場演出都讓我們再做了一次美夢。由衷的謝謝你們,獻給所有一直在我們身邊的歌迷朋友們,你們真的是我們的過去、現在,及未來…無論如何」---Boyzone

連續16首打進英國金榜TOP5單曲,出道以來發行的每一首單曲全數衝進英國金榜TOP5,包辦6首空降英國金榜冠軍單曲,締造4張英國金榜冠軍專輯,累積唱片銷售飆破1500萬張,Boyzone/男孩特區的無敵魅力凡人無法擋!他們在2008年全英回歸巡迴演唱會再掀25萬名樂迷狂潮,這些驚人的成就將隨著10月登場的新歌加精選大碟【Back Again… No Matter What - The Greatest Hits】的發行再度無限延伸。

1993年成軍,男孩特區5位成員—羅南(Ronan Keating)、史蒂芬(Stephen Gately)、凱斯(Keith Duffy)、米奇(Mikey Graham)、夏恩(Shane Lynch),以灑脫自信的迷人風采、無懈可擊的和聲重唱實力與鄰家男孩般的親和力征服全球。從他們以首張專輯『Said And Done』稱霸英國金榜冠軍的那一個瞬間開始,所有不可能的夢想全都實現了!加諸男孩特區的讚賞之聲也從此不曾停歇。96年第2張專輯『A Different Beat』,連續推出"Isn’t It A Wonder"、"Picture Of You"等暢銷單曲以及他們的首支英國金榜冠軍曲"Words";接下來的專輯『Where We Belong』表現更加優異,陸續以"All That I Need"、"Baby Can I Hold You"等單曲再度吹響排行號角,專輯裡由百老匯大師韋伯所創作的抒情曲"No Matter What"更一舉成為組團以來最暢銷的單曲,男孩特區的超人氣也從這張專輯起蔓延到歐陸與亞洲各國。

不過,男孩們也有各自的夢想要去實現:羅南為電影「新娘百分百」灌錄主題曲"When You Say Nothing At All",米奇與史蒂芬也發表個人專輯,男孩特區共享了6年的榮耀之後,決定在2000年1月的巡迴演唱結束後停下腳步。在這段分道揚鑣的歲月裡,羅南的單飛生涯贏得空前喝采,史蒂芬轉往劇場發展,米奇身兼歌曲創作與演員身分,凱斯在電視圈獲得掌聲,夏恩則投入賽車運動。當其他4位團員意外現身夏恩參加的電視實境秀「The Game」現場,這樣的情誼為男孩特區的重聚拉開了序幕。在重溫一起唱歌的歡樂之後,終於在2008年啟動「Back Again: No Matter What」巡迴演唱會,這一輪巡迴不僅重燃樂迷熱情,連樂壇人士都盛讚這是該團有史以來最佳的演唱會。

人生中最棒的事總是值得等待,男孩特區在2008年巡迴演唱的熱烈迴響聲中決定進錄音室灌錄新歌,以新歌+精選大碟【Back Again... No Matter What - The Greatest Hits】問候樂迷,除了網羅"No Matter What"、"Words"、"You Needed Me"、"Picture Of You"、"Baby Can I Hold You"、"Love Me For A Reason"、"Isn't It Wonder"…等招牌金曲,還貼心錄製了3首風格截然不同的新歌,包括彌漫Motown經典靈魂樂氣息的歡唱之歌"Love You Anyway",閃動時尚電子風的流行大作"Can't Stop Thinking About You",以及刻骨銘心情歌小品"Better"。他們的暢銷金曲喚醒美好記憶,他們的新歌帶來全新的流行風貌,男孩特區以美麗重逢迎向未來的挑戰。
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:41 PM|只看該作者
1.No Matter What

No matter what they tell us
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe is true

No matter what they call us
However they attack
No matter where they take us
We'll find our own way back

I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know our love forever
I know no matter what

If only tears were laughter
If only night was day
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:42 PM|只看該作者
2. Baby Can I Hold you Tonight

Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like "sorry" (like "sorry"..like "sorry"..)

"Forgive me,"
is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like "forgive me"
Forgive me..

But you can say, baby
Baby can I hold you tonight?
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:45 PM|只看該作者

Tell me what you want from me
So I can try to make you see
That I’m in no position for giving
Cos’ all I see you do is lie
And I can’t help but close my eyes
And wonder ’bout you in my life
I’m drowning in your tears

I’m delirious
Are you serious?
What goes on in your head?
I’m just curious
Cos’ I’m hanging here
Got me dangling here
Think your love, oh your love has got off my head
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:46 PM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 DK18 於 2010-7-2 05:01 PM 編輯


Smile, an everlasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me
Don't ever let me find you gone
Cause that will bring a tear to me

This world has lost it's glory
Let's find a brand new story
Now my love...

You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say...

It's only words
And words are all I have
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:46 PM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 DK18 於 2010-7-2 04:50 PM 編輯

5.Love Me for a Reason

Girl when you hold me
How you control me
You bend and you fold me
Any way you please
It must be easy for you
To love the things that you do
But just a pastime for you
I could never be

And I never know, girl
If I should stay or go
Cos the games that you play
Keep driving me away...
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:47 PM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 DK18 於 2010-7-2 04:51 PM 編輯

6.A Different Beat

Let's not forget this place
Let's not neglect our race
Let unity become
Life on earth be one
So let me take your hand
We are but grains of sand
Born throught the winds of time
Given a special sign

So let's take a stand
And look around us now, people
So let's take a stand
And look around us now, people
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:48 PM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 DK18 於 2010-7-2 04:51 PM 編輯

7.All That I Need

I was lost and alone
Trying to grow, making my way down that long winding road
Had no reason, no rhyme
Like a song out of time
And there you were, standing in front of my eyes
How could I be such a fool
To let go of love and break all the rules
Girl when you walked out that door
left a hole in my heart
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:49 PM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 DK18 於 2010-7-2 04:52 PM 編輯


Our love has changed
It's not the same
And the only way to say it
is say it..it's better

I can't conceal
This way I feel
For all the times we spend together
Forever just gets better

Seem what I'm try to say is
You make things better
And no matter what the day is
With you here it's better
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:52 PM|只看該作者
9.You Needed Me

You needed me
I cried a tear
You whipped it dry
I was confused
You cleared my mind

I sold my soul
You bought it back for me
And helped me up
And gave me dignity
Somehow you needed me

You gave me strength
To stand alone again
To face the world
Out on my own again
You put me high
Upon a pedestal
So high that I could almost see eternity
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:53 PM|只看該作者
10.Father And Son 父親與兒子

It's not time to make a change 現在不是改變時機的時候
Just relax--take it easy 放鬆,請放鬆
You're still young--that's your fault 你依然年輕,那是你的缺點
There's so much you have to know 你要知道的還很多

Find a girl, settle down 找一個女孩,安定你的生活
If you want, you can marry 如果你想要,你可以結婚
Look at me--I am old 看著我,我雖已年老
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:54 PM|只看該作者
11.I Can't Stop Thinking About You

Three months since we said goodbye
We both know the reason why
It's all about what's right
That's what you said

Now you come back to fill this room
And you show that you thought this through
Before we lose this life
There's something I should tell you

Even though I try to
I can't stop thinking about you
I can't stop thinking about you
No matter how hard I try
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:55 PM|只看該作者
12.I Love The Way You Love Me

I like the feel of your name on my lips
And I like the sound of your sweet gentle kiss
The way that your fingers run through my hair
And how your scent lingers even when you're not there

And I like the way your eyes dance when you laugh
And how you enjoy your two-hour bath
And how you've convinced me to dance in the rain
With everyone watching like we were insane

But I love the way you love me
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:55 PM|只看該作者
13.Coming Home Now

"Weeks, days, hours, minutes
'till I'll be home,
one, two, three, four, five, six, minutes
'till I'll be home (da la la da da la, da la la da da la)
'till I'll be home (da la la da da la, da la la da da la)
A kiss on the cheek in the old town park
Carved your name in the shape of a heart
Walked together, hand in hand
one, two, three, four, five, six,
I didn't feel the rain
minutes I'm going home
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DK18 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-7-2 04:56 PM|只看該作者
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14.Isn't It a Wonder

Pray to God
Pray to God

It's a sign of the times girl
Sad songs on the radio
It's a sign of the times girl
As the leaves begin to go
But all these signs now, showing on my face
Proving me wrong, taking its place

Pray to God (Pray to God) that there's more that we can do, yeah
Pray to God (Pray to God) that there's more that we can show
More that we can do, yeah
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